Prof . Jorge Kalil is indicated by the government to represent the country in international authority on genetics and biotechnology
For the first time in 20 years , Brazil will have a representative on the Board of Scientific Advisors of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) . The Professor chosen is Dr. Jorge Kalil , immunologist and director of the Laboratory of Immunology at InCor – who also serves as Chair of the Butantan Institute Board and the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) Board.
Prof . Kalil ICGEB was nominated by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) . The board consists of 15 scientists , including a Nobel Prize.
Brazil is a member of the ICGEB since 1990, and the MCTI acts as focal point of the organization in the country. The center currently houses 61 member countries organized in networks, to distribute information, guide research and empower human resources in biotechnology .
The ICGEB was created in 1983 within the United Nations for Industryl Development Organization (UNIDO). The objective is to promote international cooperation for development and the peaceful application of genetic engineering and biotechnology, particularly among developing countries ,through research programs and services of training and consulting . Nowadays, it is an independent international organization that is part of the United Nations (UN) system.
The ICGEB is structured into three components , located in Trieste (Italy), New Delhi (India) , and Cape Town, (South Africa) , and a network of affiliated centers located in member countries . It is a world reference in biotechnology research , particularly in the areas of biomedicine , infectious diseases , computational biology and plant biotechnology .
About the scientist
In addition to Director of the Butantan Institute, Jorge Kalil is a professor of Clinical Immunology and Allergy at University of São Paulo Medical School (FMUSP) and director of the Laboratory of Immunology , Heart Institute (InCor) . He is also a Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) since 1998 .
The scientist is a physician from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul ( UFRGS ), with Masters in immunogenetics and immunopathology and Ph.D. in human biology , both from the University of Paris 7 . He holds several patents and their academic production records over 350 indexed articles.
Source: Ascom(MCTI) With Information from ICGEB